‘Made to measure: the personalisation of communications’


Several high-profile examples of relationships between companies and the arts show the media appeal of cultural collaborations. But how can truly creative communications emerge from these unlikely partnerships?


As the world of business, politics and social norms continues to evolve at a rapid and often unpredictable pace, the expectations placed on leaders may feel like a moving goal post.

For more than two decades, I have had the privilege of...

How can organisations choose the right data-analysis strategy to suit their personalisation needs?

What issues should be font of mind when they evaluate and purchase solutions? We present a few guidelines and a market overview of...

Dubbed "The Man Who Invented the Republican Internet”, Vincent Harries is a prominent exponent of digital political communications, advising everyone from Rand Paul to Benjamin Netenyahu on how to target voters online.


A world tailored on your tastes, your body, budget and needs.

This is the promise of data-based personalisation. Looking for a restaurant? Log in to Google, go to Maps, and it will show you not only the nearest pizzerias, but also those...

Organisations are increasingly challenged by influencers on the social web.

Nobodies of the past are today’s new somebodies, demanding the attention of brands and their communicators. These tips should enable even the wariest company to...

When 19 year old Doaa and her boyfriend Bassam, Syrian refugees trapped in a grinding existence in Egypt, handed over all of Bassam’s life savings to refugee smugglers for a journey on a rusting fishing boat, little could they have imagined the...

Thought leadership is still seen as a way to raise a company’s profile or boost its reputation. However, there is so much more to thought leadership. To pursue a meaningful and sustainable thought leadership strategy, communication executives...

Do we really know collaboration? Or do we just think we know? Spoiler: it’s more than just the act of working together with someone.

To define, encourage and improve on collaboration at your workplace, perhaps it is time to look at games...

Across Europe, the trust gap between traditional and new media is widening, finds a new report by the European Broadcasting Union. To what extent is this related to the rise of fake news, and what are the prerequisites for a more trustworthy...

The world of business is in the midst of a revolution.

Since the first smartphone went on sale a decade ago, digital devices and social networks have empowered consumers and have raised purchasing expectations. As a result, consumers are...

 The 2017 European Communication Monitor shows that the strategic communication function is undergoing a fundamental transformation

(Photo by ...

To attract today’s talent it isn’t enough to highlight the work your organisation does. Potential employees want to know what it feels like to work in it. For this, Siemens found that a simple cardboard device came in handy.


What content is most engaging? Why? What can we learn from it?

The same curiosity that drives research at CERN has helped develop its editorial content, with findings from a study into how people react to CERN social media helping shape...

There may be strength in numbers, but a crisis can hurt a trade association just as much as a private company or other organisation. But by following five communications steps, associations can prepare themselves for the worst.


Managing reputational risk is one of the key responsibilities of corporate communications, a risk intrinsically linked to our stakeholders and the way we deal with them.

An organisational reputation is a fragile asset for any brand. Large...


I have a question for you: how long will the world’s largest tobacco company still be making cigarettes?

That is a question we are trying to answer for ourselves. We do not have the answer yet, but we know it will come at some...

The financial crisis rocketed central banks across the world from the business pages to the front pages.

The Central Bank of Ireland was no different. Over the last decade, there has been massively increased public awareness of the Bank –...

Ask any communications director and they are not going to say that they want less personalisation.

Whether it is audiences large or small, personalisation delivers better marketing outcomes and results, in every way: customer intimacy,...