Internal information flow: a tale of dialogue

How Italian banks communicate on the inside: a recent survey’s results

The last 10 years have been a key decade in corporate communication, in particular if we consider the evolution of mass-media communications. This is particularly true for Italy, where qualified analyses highlight that during this span of time there has been a strong increase of information consumption, both through the web and through more traditional channels - ranging from radio to television, up to a surprise return to the limelight by books and newspapers. This represents a sort of rejection of the uncomfortable label of a country always judged as poor in readers as it is rich in talkers and mobile-phone users or new-generation smartphone fans.

Maurizio Incletolli

Maurizio Incletolli is head of web and internal communication at ABI, the Italian Banking Association. As part of his position, he is journalist and editor-in-chief of the monthly ABI News and head of ABI WebTV. He is editor of the survey La Comunicazione Interna delle Banche Italiane (ABI, Rome, 2011). He also teaches at the Scuola Superiore di Economia e Finanza.

Eugenio Lanzetta

Eugenio Lanzetta heads internal communications at Banca Sella, where he manages and coordinates all internal communication tools of Banca Sella Group. Previously, he was external relations and ceremonial officer of the Guardia di Finanza (the military corps dealing with customs, excise and tax crimes) Academy, before working at UBI Banca.