Mignon van Halderen

Mignon van Halderen

Dr Mignon van Halderen is an associate professor at the Fontys University of Applied Sciences, School of Communication in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. She heads the research group on thought leadership at www.dutchschoolofthought.com and gives tailored advice to companies on this topic at www.leading-thoughts.com.

Communicators need a blended vision of thought leadership in order to position their organisations as a trusted partner

Thought leadership is still seen as a way to raise a company’s profile or boost its reputation. However, there is so much more to thought leadership. To pursue a meaningful and sustainable thought leadership strategy, communication executives...

Thought leadership is more than a buzzword: here’s how companies give shape to it

A rapidly growing number of companies claim to be thought leaders. Over the past six months, thought leadership sections have mushroomed on corporate websites. These sections focus on the knowledge and expertise of the organisation. However,...

Positioning the issues of the day within the context of your brand strengthens your position.

Corporate branding typically involves the management of mental associations that organisational leaders want important audiences to hold about the organisation.

Managing such mental associations, however, is becoming more complicated,...