Assaël Adary

Assaël Adary

Assaël is a France-based communication and ROI strategist specialising in communication evaluation and monitoring. He is the co-founder and CEO of Occurrence, an independent research and consulting institute specialised in communications evaluation, founded in 1995. He has developed a unique expertise in designing and challenging communications and reputation KPIs all along for private blue-chips companies, the European Commission and national bodies. He is also a keynote speaker and guest lecturer in several universities such as CELSA-Sorbonne, Sciences Po Paris and the Catholic University of Louvain.

Why we need to think about the rightness and wrongness of data use

With an enforcement date of May 25, this year's General Data Protection Regulations are forcing all of us to think again about the processes by which we handle data. But along with the how of data use, we should also reflect on the...