Anthony Gooch

Anthony Gooch

Before being appointed to the role of director of public affairs and communications at the OECD in 2008, Anthony Gooch was head of the European Commission’s media and public diplomacy operations in the UK. Between 2003 and 2006, he was based in Washington DC, heading the Commission’s media and public diplomacy operations in the US. From 2002 to 2003, he was the EU’s visiting fellow to the University of Southern California Los Angeles.

The need for strong leadership has never been more urgent than in today’s age of radical uncertainty: increasingly, corporations – particularly their CEOs – are stepping up to meet this leadership challenge. But how radical is the concept of corporate purpose, what are the risks involved in corporate activism, and how should communicators enable this dialogue?

W hen I first heard the term 'radical uncertainty', my mind immediately turned to the work of Hyman Minsky, a relatively unknown economist back in the 1950s, who spent his...

Open economies grow faster and have more spread of technology and ideas, but the erosion of public trust and the persistence of economic uncertainty are opening the door to protectionism and isolationism.

All those involved in trade and...

What are the lessons communicators should take from Brexit?

At the 2016 European Communication Summit, a special panel discussed lessons learned – or not, as the case may be – from the Brexit vote. The following are edited highlights from the wide-ranging, sometimes heated, discussion.

Interview by...

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are a long-standing tool for ensuring better behaviour from firms with global operations.  

The effects that multinational companies have on the places and populations where they operate has been the bread and butter of media coverage, as well as the focus of non-governmental organisations, since the 1990s wave of globalisation linked...

Director of Public Affairs and Communications, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)